Clarifications to The Omicron's Entry Ban
Several clarifications have been made by the Ministry of
Interior, Ministry of Health, and Border Control, affecting the ability of
foreign expats entry into Israel, despite the ban. The following updates relate
to the most relevant business-related categories:
Foreign Employees
Those who have a valid B-1 work visa to Israel and a
multiple entry visa will be able to enter Israel provided they are fully
adhering to medical regulation, i.e. the individuals that are eligible for
Israeli green pass, and received authorization to travel after filling the form
that is required 48 hours before a flight.
New Work Permits and Visas - New applications for up to 90 days: the Work
Permit Unit will issue a special permit to enter during the ban, subject to
receipt of the recommendation of the Relevant Government Ministry within the
Industry of the particular employer.
- New application for work permits for over 90
days: There is a need to apply for a recommendation from a
government ministry for functional continuity. The permit will be issued by the
Ministry of the Interior. KTA can provide this service to its clients.
- Entry permits issued before November 28 are canceled, and
will not allow entry.
- Foreign workers that already have B-1 work visas from the
consulate: employer will need to apply for an entry recommendation from the
relevant Government Ministry within the Industry of the particular employer. KTA
can provide this service to its clients. Once the recommendation is received by
the Work Permit Unit, a new Entry Permit will be issued to allow the travel to
- Foreign workers that already have a short-term employment
permit (SEA 90 days) and have not entered yet: employer will need to apply for
an entry recommendation from the relevant Government Ministry within the
Industry of the particular employer. KTA can provide this service to its
clients. Once the recommendation is received by the Work Permit Unit, a new
Entry Permit will be issued to allow the travel to Israel.
Visitors, Dependents
Any visitor that will travel later than midnight 28 November
2021 (Israel time), will not be able to enter Israel without special
authorization to travel A.K.A “permit to board the plane”.
Any dependents, even those having a long-term B-2 visitor
dependent visa will not be able to enter Israel during the ban without special authorization to travel
A.K.A “permit to board the plane”. KTA can provide this service to its clients.
Business Visitors
During the ban, entry of the business person is not
Mandatory Isolation for at least 3 days
At least 3 days of isolation will be imposed on foreign
nationals that will be allowed entry.
Foreign Employees may have to isolate in a state-run
coronavirus motel.
For additional information on Isolation requirements, please
click here
A Known Technical issues in the Ministry of Health Entry
Permit Format
Following the submission of the 48 hours pre-flight form, an
email will be sent to the individual by the Ministry of Health.
According to the Ministry Of Interior the reason for this
getting the red text whereby “May board the plane only if specified criteria
are met” is the fact that the Ministry systems are not in sync with the new
regulation as well as some other legal complications they have. According to Ministry of Interior advice, Airlines are instructed to allow those with a valid B-1 work visa
and multiple entry visa in their passport to fly to Israel.
According to the above, Health eligibility will be finalized only upon entry to Israel.
According to the Ministry clarification, those who will
prove eligible to green pass, or will present special approval to enter, will
be allowed to fly to Israel and enter subject to eligibility for the green pass
to be determined upon entry at the Airport.
For Example:
Rapid Test Antigen COVID-19 Test as an Alternative to PCR Test
According to the regulation, any traveler into Israel must take a PCR test within 72 hours before departure to Israel. Only those who test negative can board the flight.
With an effort to allow more urgent travels where needed and allowed, the Ministry of Health allows a rapid test instead of a PCR test within 24 hours before air travel. Important: The test cannot be a home-kit test, i.e., must be made accredited clinics for rapid testing.
Rapid tests are tests for diagnosing coronavirus that is
based on a technology that does not require transporting the sample to a
laboratory and provides results within 15 to 30 minutes after sampling.
Only if the PCR test or rapid test is negative, a person can
board the flight.
Test results must be in English and specify the traveler's
passport number. Any other type of test will not be accepted.
Best Regards,
Amit Acco, Senior Partner, amit@ktalegegal.com
Global Site: www.ktalegal.com
Disclaimer: The content herein is provided for information purposes only. It is not intended as legal advice. Readers are advised not to act upon the contained information without professional advice. No portion of this newsletter may be reproduced without express permission. © Kan-Tor & Acco law firm
The COVID-19 information is gathered from various public media sources at the courtesy of KTA to its clients and website visitors. Due to the rapid, sometimes daily changes in policy, we urge any traveler to get updated at the official government website by clicking here before planning or taking any international travel to or from Israel.